Like A Watercourse
Sunday, 14 September 2014
This piece is going to ask you to visualize your emotions as if they were a stream running through a series of waterwheels. The result of the force of the water turning various wheels would be differing expressions of emotion.
So to begin...
- Published in Affective Neuroscience, Brain and Mind, Latest posts
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You’ve Got A Good Head On Your Shoulders
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
You’ve Got Quite A Head On Your Shoulders Reading in the NY Times today and seeing a survey of recent books on sciences attempt to grapple with the question of Mind. That question as it is formulated in the science world is where does thought and mind come
- Published in Anthropology of Mind, Brain and Mind, Newsworthy
An Inside View of Muscle Memory
Monday, 12 May 2014
I was taking a walk this morning and tossing a stone I found up and catching it. Pleasant little diversion as I enjoyed the early morning sunshine.
One particular throw went a little off course, and as I reached for it, I had to bend my arm in a funny position to catch it. As the stone came down and I stretched and bent for it, I recognized this twisted arm position, knowing I've "made that catch before".
- Published in Brain and Mind, Lifestyle
you don't make a red light, important call doesn't come in by 5 PM, someone insults you with a smile...
- Published in Brain and Mind, Latest posts